After the Graz, Austria February 2025 WG14 Meeting, I am now confident in the final status of the defer TS, and it is now time.
Happy New Year! It is time report the results of the Array Size Operator survey and answer some comments people have been asking for!
New in C2y is an operator that does something people have been asking us for, for decades:
N3366 - Restartable Functions for Efficient Character Conversions has made it into the C2Y Standard (A.K.A., “the next C standard after C23”). And one of my longest struggles — the sole reason I actually came down to the C Standards Committee in the first place —
The first two meetings of C after C23 was finalized are over, and we have started working on C2y. We decided that this cycle we’re not going to do that “Bugfix” followed by “Release” stuff, because that proved to be a REALLY bad idea that killed a ton of momentum and active contributors during the C11 to C17 timeframe. So, this time, we’re hitting both bugfixes AND features so we can make sure we don’t lose valuable contributions and fixes by stalling for 5 to 6 years again. So, with that…